Embracing Change: Achieving Your Fitness Goals After 40

As you navigate the exciting changes that come with this stage of life, you may find yourself feeling frustrated when it comes to your fitness journey. If you’re a busy professional or someone whose kids are now independent, dedicating time to your health can feel overwhelming. You’re not alone — many women face similar challenges after the […]
Understanding Scale Spikes: Why Short-Term Weight Gain Isn’t the End of the World

Whether you’ve just come off a holiday and found yourself surprised by a higher-than-expected number on the scale, or you’ve been consistent in your routine but still notice that the needle sometimes moves in the wrong direction, it’s important to remember that short-term weight gain shouldn’t cause panic. The Perspective from a Pro As a […]
doing everything right?

Doing everything right might actually be what’s preventing you from reaching your health and weight loss goals. Sounds strange, right? Hear me out… We work with some truly driven and high-performing individuals—people with successful careers, who run businesses, manage busy households, or balance multiple responsibilities—and yet, when it comes to their health, they’re often stuck. […]
Seriously?! Don’t fall for this

The madness has to stop. This might come across as a soapbox rant, and for that I apologize, but trust me when I say that this is a message that needs to be spread. Your fat loss depends on it. We all want to be fit and lean, right? So why do we fool ourselves […]
Here’s what most people get wrong about weight loss

The secret to successful weight loss isn’t just about tracking macros and eating a certain number of calories. Actually, it’s not entirely about tracking macros or calories at all. Unfortunately, the consequences of this mismanaged approach can be pretty rough. Here’s the quick list of what happens when things go sideways: slower progress, frustration, burnout, […]
I found this motivating

So many people today are struggling to find motivation. It’s tough to find the motivation needed to get out of bed and into workout clothes. It’s even tougher to find the motivation to stick with a healthy eating plan. The chaos of 2020 is taking its toll on our minds and bodies, but there’s a […]
The Muscle Loss Myth: Why You Can Build Muscle After 40 (and SHOULD)

A recent report from Healthline unveiled a startling truth about women’s health: starting in our 30s, we lose 3-8% of our lean muscle mass every decade. While that might not sound alarming at first, the cumulative effect over time is significant. Over 30 years, even a conservative 5% loss per decade translates to nearly 16% […]
Meet Jenna- From Lost to Found
“I remember a time when I felt invincible. I could do anything, go anywhere. I was full of energy, and my body reflected my spirit. But then, slowly but surely, things began to change. The weight crept on, and with it, my confidence began to dwindle. I felt like I was losing myself. I was […]
The ONLY effective way to get fit

Talk to 10 people and you’ll get 10 different opinions on the best way to get fit. One will tell you to attend an aerobics class. Another will swear by jogging. Yet another will tell you that dance and biking worked for them. The truth is that there’s really only one effective way to get fit. […]
Do you choose hard now or hard later?

Let’s face it, getting and staying fit and healthy is hard work. There’s all the effort that you have to put out in making wholesome meals. There’s the will power that you must muster in avoiding unhealthy (TASTY!) foods. There’s the energy that it takes to get out of bed early to get in a […]