This feels soooo good

I’ve got a feel-good post for you today … …. because it’s packed with THREE stretches that will open up your hips from every direction! These all feel GREAT while you’re doing them, and they’re perfect for the next time you’re watching TV or want to unwind after work. Before we dive in, here’s the […]

4 Tips to Increase Flexibility

You eat the right foods, drink the right drinks, and exercise regularly. In other words, you’re strong and healthy. There is only one hole in your overall good health. You’re as flexible as a piece of plywood. But there’s good news! You don’t have to stay inflexible your entire life. With the right steps, you […]

5 Fat Loss Rules to Follow

If you’re ready to reduce your body fat, then follow these five simple rules Fat Loss Rule #1: Water Rules Ready to melt away the fat? Then you’ll need to drink water. A lot of it. Every time you feel the urge to drink something, make it water. Not juice. Not milk. And definitely not […]

Do You Have Weight-Loss Resistance Syndrome?

Every year at about this time frustrated people around the globe look in the mirror and realize that their waist is larger, hips are wider, and their New Year’s resolve has fizzled.  So what do you do about the stubborn and seemingly permanent fat?  Sink into a depression?  Well, the easiest thing to do is […]

Chris is in better shape at 52 than she was in her 40s!

“Since joining in 2022 I have lost three jean sizes and over twenty pounds and have kept if off. At 52 I’m in better shape than I was in my forties. I have also made many good friends that I look forward to working out with which makes each workout fun.”

Being fit feels GREAT!

Fitness has been important to me for different reasons at different times of my life.  Now, in my 50’s, with a teenage daughter, it’s to be a good role model to her, but also because I feel great when I’m active, have time devoted just for me, and also to be proactive for good health […]

Eat for amazing results

The foods that you eat make a huge impact on your fat loss results. But it’s not just about what you are eating, it’s also about how much and how frequently you eat. All of these factors make the topic of how to eat for best results a hot one with my clients! So let’s […]

The sum of your choices…

Each day is filled with choices. We chose whether or not to exercise, to eat a healthy breakfast, or to do something productive. We chose whether or not to eat that donut, to sleep in, or to watch an extra hour of TV. At the end of each day the sum of your choices pushes […]

How to feel better (unspoken benefit of exercise)

Most of the time, when encouraging you to exercise, I focus on your health and fitness goals. These are two significant benefits, but there’s another side effect of exercise that’s hugely important… How exercise makes you feel. Every workout has an immediate impact on your energy, mood, body chemistry, and even mental functioning. The endorphins […]