What people get wrong about “mental toughness”

There’s a trait that separates people who reach their goals from those who struggle. It’s not talent, luck, or genetics (although those things don’t hurt). This trait does more than just help you reach your health and fitness goals. It also helps you do better in school, excel in sports and your career, and it also […]
How to stop snacking on junk

Let’s talk about cravings for junk food – and what you can do to beat them.You know what I’m talking about… you’re sitting at your desk at 2 p.m. and suddenly ALL you can think about are chocolate chip cookies. Or you’re watching TV at night and feel the ice cream or chips in the […]
This lit a fire under me

The other day I was in the middle of a workout and listening to a podcast. A guest said something to the effect of: “Change is going to happen no matter what. It’s up to YOU to decide whether that change is progress.” This quote got me. I have a LOT I want to accomplish this […]
Never Give Up on Your Fitness Goals

You want to get into better shape, to drop the fat and to increase your tone and strength. Join the club…most people are actively working toward an elusive fitness goal. So what separates those who end up achieving their goals from the rest of the masses who are trapped in a fruitless struggle? Winston Churchill […]
Recover from that Crazy Weekend

You know how it feels to wake up on Monday morning after a weekend of less-than-healthy eating… Your body is puffy and bloated. Your joints are achy. Your clothes feel tight. Maybe you are feeling that way right now. I’ve outlined the 5 steps below to get you back on the fitness fast track. Step […]
The Fit Life is Calling…

I know why you’ve been reluctant to jump on the fitness bandwagon, and I’m not blaming you for it. Because fitness is hard. ESPECIALLY after 40. What worked in your 20’s and 30’s suddenly STOPS working. Its a vicious roller coaster. Want to know just how hard? Here’s a glimpse into the Fit Life: Fit […]
Why do “bad” foods taste so good?

Have you ever noticed that foods that aren’t exactly “good” for you seem to taste amazing? It’s kind of like Mother Nature is playing a practical joke… but there are a few reasons this happens. Many “crave-worthy” foods are loaded with sugar, salt, fat, and empty calories. Our brains are hardwired to crave tasty, high-energy (aka high-calorie) foods […]
This invisible fat may be hurting your health

Today’s focus is a biggie because even though you can’t see it, it can have a major effect on your health… And that’s belly fat. There are two basic kinds of belly fat … It’s the second type we’re going to talk about today. Having some of that deep visceral fat is healthy because, among […]
5 Diet Rules for Flat Abs

As much as I love exercise (and you know I do!) exercise alone will not get you a toned stomach. Your diet is a huge part of the equation. Someone could workout all day long, but then eat in a way that promotes major fat storage, and they wouldn’t have a toned, beach-ready tummy. (Read […]
7 Ways Strength Training Will Change Your Life

You get married. Have a baby. Move across the world. Start going to night school so you can get a degree. All of these are life-changing events that make you a different person. But did you know your life can change significantly just by spending some time strength training? That’s right—if you’re willing to commit […]