Don’t believe these 5 LIES about fitness

Wanna Lose Fat? Don't believe These 5 Lies

Don’t waste your time on these: Lie #1: Take diet pills to boost your effort. It’s so tempting! The commercials make compelling claims about the power of diet pills, but don’t fall for it. The ‘magic pill’ has yet to be discovered (it has been discovered — exercise. It’s just not in pill form…). Diet pills are […]

Breaking the self-sabotage cycle (of Fat Loss!)

Start Dropping Fat and Live Your Best Life

Have you ever felt like you’re your own worst enemy when it comes to achieving your health and fitness goals? The good intentions are there… but the follow-through? Not so much. Some examples:You vow to cook a healthy meal from the ingredients in your kitchen… but when dinnertime rolls around it seems like a lot of […]

4 things I wish I knew sooner about fitness

Hindsight is 20/20. If I could go back and start my fitness journey again, I would do it differently. Here are four things that I wish I knew earlier about fitness. 1. You don’t have to be perfect! I spent a LOT of time trying to be perfect with my nutrition. Same with my workouts. […]

4 Ways To Burn Even More Fat

4 Ways To Burn More Fat

There is nothing quite as frustrating as seeing your results fizzle out.  This is a common place to end up, usually after a few months on the same exercise routine. In the beginning your body responds to your routine with lost pounds and gained muscle tone, then one day all results screech to a stop.  […]

Your Fad Diet Nightmare ( and How To Lose Fat For Good!)

Lose Weight For GOOD...

Have you noticed how people jump on board with a popular fad diet, lose 5, 10 or even 20 pounds…only to gain it all back and then some. Why does this happen? It’s actually a simple concept, and once you understand it you will be forever saved from the tortures of yo-yo dieting. ( Read […]

8 reasons to work out that AREN’T weight loss

applied fitness helps clients lose weight

A while ago I conducted a non-scientific (but still eye-opening!) poll. I asked a bunch of people who had a regular workout routine WHY they exercised. A lot of these people were in their 60s, 70s, and beyond, and most of them had been working out for decades. (for 5 Workout Secrets Read THIS ) […]

Why diets don’t work

We are a culture of ‘dieters’. And we have been for a LONG time. Low carb, low fat, high fat, Keto, intermittent fasting, on and on… They are constantly marketing the next thing under a new name. ( READ The Dangers Of Fad Diets HERE) Here’s the truth about diets though… They are a form […]

Weight Loss Resistance Syndrome (WLRS)

Fat Loss After 40

Weight loss resistance syndrome is a disheartening and frustrating reality that many women over 40 face. It’s a struggle that goes beyond the occasional indulgence or skipped workout. It’s a constant battle against the seemingly insurmountable odds, as your body stubbornly clings to every ounce of unwanted weight. As you gracefully step into your 40s, […]

Basic Fat Loss Math (Know The Numbers!)

Fat Loss By The Numbers

Would you like to be 50 pounds lighter just 12 months from now?  Can you image how you would look?  You’d look like a whole new, younger person.  It’s actually much easier than you think, and I’m not talking about invasive, costly surgery, or grueling routines.  All it takes is losing one pound each week. […]

Are You Beach Body Ready?

Lose Fat By Summer

If you’re not ready to bare it on all the beach yet, I have an extremely effective 2-step method for losing belly fat faster than ever that I’d like to share with you today… Step One: This step requires zero extra effort on your part! In fact all you have to do is NOT do something […]